Online Telehealth Physical Therapy


Online Telehealth Physical Therapy

Video visit PT is still a great service if you're motivated to learn more about your issue and do something about it! Physical therapists gather important information from talking to you about your about your condition or problem, and watching you move, which we can easily do during a video visit. Therapists can still demonstrate and guide you through exercises at home, by easily adjusting your camera or screen as you move around. We then email or text you your home exercise program, which we can update in real time as needed.  Video visits are also an easy way to check in after an in-person visit, to chat about how you feel and how things are going.

Some feel online PT is missing the manual aspect of therapy, but typically we’ll teach you how to do a self-release technique at home, which we can also do via a video visit, to help you address range of motion (ROM), tension and stiffness at home. Improving your ROM for ideal joint mechanics is vital when doing any strengthening program, and we still include that with online physical therapy.

Many insurance companies cover virtual online physical therapy, contact us to see if yours does. Try an online telehealth PT session by scheduling online!

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